Wednesday, 30 September 2009


in mrs hammonds lesson yesterday we did theory on who are target audiance is, although i have already done a short power point on this im going to look at it more in depth in this blog

firstly we learnt about the different social catogries in todays population;
Ca profesional, high earning people
Cb Middle managment, bank managers
Cc Jounier managment, shop manager
Cc2 skilled manual people, carpenter
Cd semi skilled or un skilled, cleaner
Ce unemployed, students

we found it hard to narrow down what social catorgry we are trying to appeal to as our product is somthing that apeals to alot of people. But we decided that the people we want to appeal to most are Ce to Cc this is because these people will be able to afford our product and will be looking for somthing that looks like a designer product with out the price tag where as Cb and Ca would be more likely to buy desinger labled procuct with the higher price tag.

this also links into the other things we learnt about what particualr group of the population our target audiance is from for example gardeners, students ECT. we decided that are main targert audiance are students are graduates going into the world of work who are on a budget but still want to take care of their apperance.

We also learnt about the demographic and geographic profile of our audiance, this dicibes where your target market is likely to be from and what there life style is like, we found to hard to say specifically where are audiance is from but we came up with a discription of there lifestyle;

they will be students or people who are leaving university or college ready to get a job or develope there qualifications, they would be people who take pride in there appearance, they would also be people who would like to be able to afford designer products be cant and therefore going for a product like mine and hollie's which gives the image of designer but is far cheaper.

all of these things helped us to finalise our ideas of the mise en scene for our advert, sponsership advert and radio advertisment. we will take all these things into consideration when creating our final setting, deciding on our final camera angles and music ideas :)

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Music this is a free uncopyrighted music website. We found it quite hard to find the type of upbeat rhythm we wanted on garage band. This website had loads of albums of peoples music, we wanted to put some examples of what we found and would consider using in our advertisments onto our blog, but didnt know how to do this without downloading the whole album, therefore in our next pratical lesson we will ask our peers and then hopefully upload some inspiring songs on here :)

Saturday, 26 September 2009

Filming & Editing

After posting the blog of the Prada advert (the one where the character has been mirrored to create emphasis on the advert) we went onto the mac to see if we could do this effect and if so if it would look effective. It is possible to mirror shots, so we decided to go and film a shot of what we would like in our advert and see if it would work. We wouldnt use this effect through the whole advert, just a few shots. However, when we booked a camera out we realised we had no tape so will have to wait to our next practical lesson to do this. We will try and upload what we did onto the blog (if this is possible to do from the mac!?)

Characters & Location

We have decided our character for the female advert will be Araminta Maloy, and her boyfriend Kyle Gibson will be the character for the male advert. Both will make an appearence in the tv sponsorship advert. The locatin for the male advert will be in a converted garage, which we have chose because it has objects such as disco lights, pool tables and white walls, which will fit into what we want for our male advert. The basic location with an extreme character. Minty Maloy will be filmed in her bedroom, which is very luxurious setting which we want our fragrance to portray. Unfortuntly we have lost the lead to connect the camera we took the photos of the character and setting so this will be posted shortly! :)


We have been on garage band and have found some quite good upbeat tempos (for male advert), but found it hard to find what we wanted for the female advert, so we tried some uncopyrighted music sites but found you had to pay for the songs. We then went onto youtube as a student at our school sings and plays the guitar, and thought we could perhaps use her.

However, the song is still copyrighted so even if she didnt sing, just played the guitar she would have to make a song. This could be quite complicated telling her exactly what we want and her trying to do it. We then thought about looking on peoples myspace music and asking them if we could use their songs. If not we will have to create something on garage band.

Friday, 25 September 2009

Progress So Far..

Main Adverts:
>We now have completed storyboards.
>We know the characters and location and costumes.
>We know what music we want for the male advert but need to decide on the female advert. This week we should start to create music on garage band.
>We still need to upload photos of our characters and location and explain why we have used this.
>We finally have a name for our product.

Tv Sponsership Advert:
>We are need to decide what programme to sponsor.
>We are using the both the characters in the main adverts for this.
>We need to storyboad ideas.
>Need to decide on music.

Radio Advertisment:
>We havent focused on this much yet and need to write up our draft script of the dialogue.
>Will we have a man or woman speaking on the advert?!

Advert Storyboard

In todays lesson we produced our storyboard for our female advert, and now just need to decide on the music we would like to create for it and will then be ready to start filming.

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Male Advert

After lots of planning and research we think our male advert is now ready to be filmed. We have many shot ideas ( quite a few of these of shown in the storyboard blog), we know who we want our character to be, we have the location of a converted garage which has many white and black walls - we were inspired by this from the Paco rabanne advert (simple location, extreme characters and shots). We have been on garage band and had a few attempts of making an upbeat rhythm which we will we try to work out a way to upload onto our blog? The name of the fragrance is Amo Tu Vida Para El. This week we will be taking photos of the character and location for the male advert to upload onto our blog. This now means we can concentrate on finalising ideas for the female advert and ancillary tasks. As it stands at the minute Hollie is focusing more on the female advert and Sarah more on the Tv sponsership. We have planned a draft script for our radio advertisment which we will write up soon. Any feeback (postitive and negative!) about our ideas for the male advert would be appreciated thank you :)

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Change Of Heart

We did decide on Puls Purity and Puls Pearl for the name of our product but after telling our peers our decision, we decided that purity was a bit feminine for the male product and reminded us a bit of puberty! The name of our product is now Amo Tu Vida (spanish for love your life). This is really effective because the use of a different language makes our product stand out when selling it, especially on the radio advertisement. We came up with the idea to add for him and for her on the end but takes away the origniality of the name, therefore we have reseached how to say this in spanish for him = para él and for her = para ella. Our final name for our product is Amo Tu Vida Para él & Amo Tu Vida Para élla.

At the end of our adverts we will show an image of the perfume layered with the name in this font if avaiable on the mac

We have chose the font because the swirls appeal to a female audience whilst the bold outstanding lines appeal to a more masculine audience. The font also portrays the image of elegance.

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Name Of The Product

We went onto and brainstormed many names for our product:

We have finally decided on a name for our fragrance, Puls Purity(for him) and Puls Pearl (for her) we have chosen this because the alliteration creates a catchy pharse making it more memorable. The use of repeating Puls connects the two products together and the audience will beable to associate them. Pearl is more feminine and portrays the image of beauty and wealth whilst Purity creates the image of freshness.

Monday, 21 September 2009

Female Advert

I just saw this advert and i really like the music, i think it sounds really elegant and feminine, i dont like the idea of using lots of different characters because i think it would be more interesting to just focus on one but this advert has inspired me to think carefully about our location as this mise en scene and setting fits in well to the product.

Tv Sponsorship Advert

We have 2 ancilliary activities to do, one of which has to be an Tv sponsorship advert for a programme (for example Harveys Furniture sponsors Coronation Street and Radox sponsors Friends) I have researched Vauxhall Tigra which sponsers Americas Next Top Model. The catwalk connates the idea of high fashion, which relates to the Tv programme, I think it does this because vauxhall cars aren't related in any way to models so they use the mise en scene to link to the tv programme. We need to decide what programme we will sponser, either something our product could relate to, for example Americas next top model would be good because it creates the image of beauty relating to models in the programme. The music is really upbeat and as soon as you hear it you regonise what advert it is from. I think the music is the most important thing in the sponsership and we need to go on garage band and create some ideas. The text says electronic stability programme ( i don't know if this relates to cars ) but with the women falling over it anchors this to the text. An image of the vauxhall car is then shown with the text "sponsers americas next top model." The vauxhall logo also adds credibility.

Unique Selling Point

A common trend in all of our planning so far is the point we make of; if you wear our perfume you create a certain image for yourself, therefore I think we should use this as our unique selling point. To express this through our product i think that we should explain it in our slogan or our name. For example a slogan that does this is the one for Loral hair dye because it is 'live colour XXL' which is creating a metaphor saying that this hair dye brings your hair to life. This has also given me inspiration for our script for the radio advertisment. I think it should be told like a story of how the guy wins the girl.

To Do List..

We need to:
> Finalise our ideas for the main adverts, Tv sponsership advert and radio advertisment.
> Add storyboard for both the main activity and ancilliary activities.
> We need to be 100% sure on the lighting, music, mise en scene and characters.
> The name of the product needs to be decided and why we have chose this name.
> Upload photos of the location, characters and their costumes.

Tv Sponsorship Advert

Kylie Minogue 'Show time'

I was looking for examples of sponsership adverts and i have found this kylie minogue's 'show time'. I think its really effective because as your watching we see the main character, in this case Kylie, from extreme low angles, making her appear powerful and the fact that she is standing on top of a podium also conotates the idea that she is seen as a goddess. This works as really effective selling point for the viewer of the advert becuase it gives the idea that when wearing this perfume ,you the buyer can create this image.

There is also repeative close ups of the characters face, like we have noticed previously in actual adverts it is important to immediatly identify the target audiance for the product and by using these shots that is what is happening. I think we would definatly need to take this into consideration when creating our sponsership shots as we only have a short amout of time to give the right information. As your can see from this advert it is just 10 seconds long but they have still managed to containt a wide varity of shots, such as long shots, mid shots close ups, and zoom shots, making the advert appear longer than it actually is. The use of the fade in image of the perfum right at the end i think really works as it is the last thing the viewer sees in plants the image in their mind and stays with them, this layered with voice over adds even more emphasis to the name of the product and who its by, again by giving the right information at the right is key, i have seen this used alot in adverts and i think this is somthing we would should use in ours to promanatly show what our product is and who its for.

The music in the advert very is face past and up beat which is reflected by the fast pace editing. This is effective becuase for a short advert it is made as interesting and eye cathing as possible, which is also shown through the use of lighting, the fact that it is so bright and flickering it immediately draws your attention to it which obvioulsy the aim of the advert and with this they have achived that.

The use of bright lights as though she is on a stage ancors to the text 'show time' linking the whole thing together.

Location, Location, Location

Sarah, I think the converted garage idea for the male advert is really good and would work well with our product. We need to decide on a location for the female advert, maybe a really sophisticated bedroom or City like birmingham (if you have seen the next advert I posted a few days ago) Its a good idea to take photos of the location and maybe the characters and costumes we want them to wear?

Also we should start thinking about going onto garage band to start to create music for our main adverts, we want the shots to be fast paced and the music needs to fit into this. Does anyone know of any uncopyrighted music websites? Thanks :)

Sunday, 20 September 2009

Location, Location, Location

Right hollie i have been thinking about location, i know we want it to be simple so i was thinking about that converted garage we could use. i think it would be really effective becuase it has plain white doors along one wall with sliver handles which could look really sleek and sexy, i will take some picture of it and up load them on here so we can analyse them together...

Lighting and Music

After finding inspiration in the more contemporary adverts such as 'Pacco roban 1 million' and 'Pacco Roban black XS', we decided to continue with this modern edgy look through the lighting and sound.

These adverts are presented with dimmed lighting and very shadowed, we have decided to do the opposite of this as we feel it would be effective to have bright white lighting with the actors in black or grey continuing the contemporary 'sexy' image, this will also make the actors stand out against the back ground.

Another idea we thought could be effective would be to use slow strobe lighting, by using this in various parts of the filming it adds a sense of mystery to the actor as you will only see him in short spurts or just certain parts of him and the perfume at a time. As well as creating and edgy look with this style of lighting it also shows the actor in a secretive light as though there is something myterious and special about him which is something we are trying give our audiance with our perfume...

Here are some shots from the adverts i looked at


After doing research on the style of music used in adverts currently on the TV, we have seen many different styles being used; such as some of the latest music in the charts that have lyrics and are sang by people who link to the product being promoted or a made up sound track the most commonly reflects the editing weather it be fast pace or slow.

As we don’t have the option of using copy write music we are going to be using garage band to create our own sound track.

For the male advert we have decided to create a sound that is upbeat and fast pace becuase after doing research we have found that the male gender is more likely to be drawn to a louder adverted with more momentum to it as it helps to keep there attention to the advert
For the female advert we have decided to contrast with this, we are still keeping a fast pace sound but with the use of smoother beats a lighter sound, as this will make it more ‘Girly’, this reflects who are target audience is therefore we are more likely to draw these kind of people to watch our advert.

Below are two links of the style of music we will be using in our adverts



Saturday, 19 September 2009

Female Advert

I saw this advert last night, and loved it and thought to post a blog in hope people will comment me and help me on the question, if it is possible on the mac to do this effect of the same person mirrored more than once in the same shot?! The mise- en -scene is so simple but this effect makes the whole advert look so unique. Help on this would be appeciated! :)

I saw a link on a few peoples blog to "tubechop" so decided to have a look and found it quite good, it was clips from youtube but only the intersting bits! so i typed in perfume and came across this advert which i thought was quite good. The black and white theme fits into the conventions of a fragrance advert, i dont like the music used although the way it repeats back to the shot of her kissing the man is inspiring for our advert to perhaps keep coming back to one main shot?

I also


In Thursdays lesson with Mrs Hammond we learnt about theorists and how we can appropriately apply them to fit into our advertisments. The main theorists we learnt about were Todorov, Barthes, Propp and Levi- Strauss.

Todorov's work was based on the fact that nearly all stories start with equilibrium, followed by a disruption finished with a new equilibrium.

Barthes talks about narrative codes, these codes are used to keep the audience interested and their attention to the storyline. These codes are:

>Enigma Code - Something in a film that is not explained, and raises a problem within the storyline. This enables the audience to think about what is going on.

>Action code - This is basically any action within a film. Props or dialogue will let the audience know that action is/will happen and keeps them interested.

>Semantic Code - This is how the audience interpret something that has happened or is said. The audience are thinking about the suggested meaning.

>The Cultural Code - This is where a film can relate the storyline to the audience based on their knowledge, for example an opening scene of snow and presents the audience know it is christmas.

Propp from his research on children's stories found that all films have set key character roles. They have:
The Hero
The Villain
The Donor
The Dispatcher
The False hero
The Helper
The Princess
Her Father

Obviously we have to break conventions of this research because we are doing an advert, so cant apply all of the roles to our advert.

Levi-Strauss talked about binary opposites in stories, for example love vs hate, beautiful vs ugly and good vs evil, they could be viewed as moral messages within the storyline. This could mean something will only be defined in relation to something it is not.

Friday, 18 September 2009

Naming The Perfume

Heyy hollie...

i have done some research on developing our ideas on what to call our perfume, i asked students in school and some other young adults as these are the type of people we are trying to attract to our product so obviously they will know what they look for in the name of a product, we dont have to use any of them but it gives us some ideas :).

I have asked students from our school as these are the kind of people interested in our product...

>New Moon

I really liked Ifinity becuase of its meaning 'endless', i thought that if we called our perfume this it conotates the idea that it will make you live forever, but i thought that it is was to masculine which could narrow our number of buyers, i think this works the same for 'Fame' although it creates the right image we are looking for, it is also two masculine for a product that we want to appeal to both men and women

On the other hand i thoguht that pearl and purity would be really effective becuase of the alliteration, i think if we used names like this is would line the male product with the female product. The use of alliteration would be effective as it would stick in views head and be easyer to remeber, and if we want to line them together even more we could begin both the names of the with 'puls' for example puls purity for him and puls pearl for her.

There are many conotations you can take from this name for example the world 'pearl' adds a sence of glamour which is an image we want create through the advert and pearls are associated with riches wich is again somthing we want are target audiance are getting when useing are product.

i think it is important that we make both the products apear as one so that they will appeal to males and females at the same time.

Naming Our Fragrance

Obviously, we have to design the product and we have a empty basic perfume bottle for our adverts, although we are pretty stuck with a name for it, It cant be too feminine or too masculine, as it is for both sexes. Calvin Klien did a fragrance "Into you" and added for her or for him on the end which is what we would like to do with ours :) We are pretty cluless are on what to call it because it's got to be something the audience will remember but not so dramatic that its over the top and sounds cheap.


Here i have created a power point to describe in depth who are target audience are and how we are going to attract them to the product...To make out product sucessful we need to make sure we consider our target audience and the conventions that will work best to appeal to them.

Advert Storyboard

We are 100% sure on what we want our for him fragrance advert to look like and have produced a storyboard in todays lesson to finalise our ideas. Now we have a good idea for what is planned for this advert we can now focus on planning the for her advert.

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Female Advert

I saw this advert last night on Tv and although it is advertising "Next" a clothing shop, i really like some aspects of the editing which have given me some inspirational ideas for our main female advert. I am still unsure if we are going to carry the same sexy upbeat theme from the male advert we are producing (such as the Paco Rabanne one) or doing something a little different and edgy. The start of the advert where the billboard can be seen with the name of "Next" looks really effective and think if we could achieve this in someway with the name of our fragrance ( which we still havent decided on!) would look really professional. The change from colour to black and white then back to colour looks good, although over use of this could make it look quite tacky. The music is also really feminine which appeals the female audience, i also heard from other media groups that music can now be copyrighted although i need to check this, because this could help us a fair bit with our advert! In one shot the screen is split into 3 different clips of the woman, which looks amazing although i tried to do this with my film opening in AS and on the mac it proved quite difficult to do, if not impossible :( In one scene there is the mise en scene of a studio with a camera and the background she is having her photo taken on looks really unique and edgy & if possible to find some wallpaper etc for a shot, i think it would look really effective. It then takes the theme of the studio to another level when the camera click is taken and a poloroid of the shot is then shown, if we could do this somehow i think it would work really well for our product. There are also really simple effects which look really effective, such a freezing the clip for a few seconds and quick paced editing of the character. I really think this is an successful advert for selling the product and would love to beable to produce something like this for our female advert.

Monday, 14 September 2009


Today we were required to present our pitch to the rest of the class. The idea of the pitch was to explain our thoughts and ideas for our production, and to recieve feedback from our peers.

Our pitch included
>Mise en scene
& a mood board in which we anchored the images to ideas.

Monday, 7 September 2009

A2 Planning & Research

Together we have decided to produce two 30 second advertisments. We brainstormed ideas and came up with many ideas for a new product such as

> lipgloss
>phone networks
> shoes
> condoms

We decided that it would be effective promote a type of product that would appeal to young adults, we thought that was be successful because we would be able to relate to the product and the user, therefore be able to advertise it more effectively.
After brainstorming ideas, we began to research perfume and shoes, we decided promoting a feminine product this continues the idea of being able to relate to our product.
To begin our research we went onto this is a website listing adverts shown in the last few years; however this was unsuccessful as the clips didn't play therefore we continued our research via youtube searching for advertisments for shoes and perfume to get some intially ideas.

> The clarks Shoe Advert

To begin this advert we see a mid shot of the target audience, in this case middle aged women. This is effective because it immediately initiates to the audience who this advert is for. The shot then quickly pans down to her feet to show her foot wear, again getting straight to the point of the advert, which is shoes. Getting straight to the point of the advertisement, automatically grabs the audience’s attention, which is achieving the criteria that has been set out to sell the product.
Modern day non diagetic music is used to set the scene and creates a feminine atmosphere. The use of modern day music appeals to the target audience, therefore drawing their attention to the advert. As the advert continues the shots and editing become faster and shorter, in which the music mirrors. Most of the shots don’t show the shoes themselves, but help to portray a glamorous lifestyle and image, which leads the audience to believe this is the image this product will give you. This is a very good promotion point as you are making your audience attracted to the product and wanting to aspire to create this look.
Towards the end of the advert, the shots become more focused on the shoes, this is good to leave it towards the end because it draws the advert to an end, leaving the image of shoes in their mind, as the final shots is a close up of the shoes.
The use of a catchphrase “Enjoy every step” and brand name “Clarks” layered over the final shot, rounds off the advert, displaying the only information needed without overwhelming the audience, therefore still leaving the main focus of the advertisement on shoes.
From this advert, there have been a few things that have inspired us to include in our production. For example, the way the advert instantly identifies the target audience which we feel is effective because it attracts the attention of the correct viewers, therefore promoting the product successfully, which of course is our main aim.
Another idea that we feel would be valuable to use is to create a particular image or look. Portraying a style such as glamour or wealth that would appeal to our audience would put the idea in the viewers mind that they can have that lifestyle if they buy our product.
However, we felt the shots of the woman wearing different shoes throughout the advert would be a common theme in most shoe adverts, and we wanted to go for something a bit different and edgy. Therefore we decided our final selling product would be for a fragrance.
We then researched many adverts for both male and female fragrances, for an example of Paco Rabanne we found this:

The music is really upbeat and instantly makes you think of the fragrance once you have watched the advert a few times. The black and white effect makes it look quite classy although the image of the aftershave bottle looks a bit unprofessional. This advert is for both male and female fragrance, although we are doing an advertisment for each gender, we liked the idea that the woman who is in the female version advert could make an appearance in the male advert, and vice versa,this is now something we are now considering to do on both our advertisments. The shots are varied, mainly being mid or long shots, however the fast paced editing is effective because it really catches the audience's attention, meaning they want to know what product is being advertised.
This advertisment for a male fragrance inspired us the most, with the range of shots, locations and clothing used:

A common trend in these adverts are a black and white theme and upbeat music, and we found this really eyecathing and decided we would use this idea for our first advert. We then went on to develope ideas on our second advert. We decided to contrast the second advert by doing this one for a women, by keeping the same promaotional edge of making it sexy and apealing to an older teenage market.
What we have notice in this research that the adverts choose models very specifict to the style of perfume or people they are trying to appeal to. for example in the Pacco Rabane advert an edgy, sexy eye catching woman is featured, this is to make the women watching the advert get the impression this perfume will give her this kind of edge and this is the type of feel we want to give off when presenting our advert.