Thursday, 12 November 2009

Got The Ball Rolling...

Our aim: for this filming session we aimed to get as many shots as possible so that we did not have to come back to this advert again

we definatly reached our aim today. finally we have started our filming and we have filmed 40 minuets worth of shots for the female advert. it went really well we followed the story bord as well as adding other shots in as we went along because we felt we needed abit more varity. we didnt have any problems so hopfully when we upload the tape we can start editing straight away.

before we started we had to set up the mise en scene. as we could not use the original bedroom we wanted to we had to improvise. We got lots of dresses and hung them up around the room, we added through pillows to the bed to make it look more glamorous and kept every thing looking really girly. i tried to get some picture of this but i had problems with my digitel camera but the pictures below are where we got our insperation from so this is some idea of what it looked liked.

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