Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Radio Advertisment

i have been listening to some radio advertisment and i have noticed that what we have to do is make it as interesting as possible with many discribing words, i had the idea of vocal collage with all diffent male a female voice layerd with dicribing words the represent our perfume i have given some examples in the word cloud below;

i think this will be effective because these discriptive words put an image in the listeners head created by the words used, and hopfully these would be the right words to create the right image we are trying show.

i thought about how we could do this and i think it would work well if some of the words are said separatly then they gradully start to layer over each other repeating the words untill it creates a vocal callege, then it would come to a sudden stop and the name of the perfume would be said by the boy and the girl at the same time, then the boy would say for him and girl would sat for her.

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