Wednesday, 7 October 2009


Today i went onto Mrs Hammonds blog and found lots of uncopyrighted music sites so went onto a few and found some sounds that would fit into well of our male advertisment criteria:


This first track is quite upbeat and club music although i dont think it will fit into our male advert. We want really fast upbeat music to fit into the shots and fast pace, which will keep the audience watching, but this track seems to "party like". I dont know if we could download it and then upload it onto garage band and change the rhythm of it. I will look into this and update it.

I came across these 3 albums which have a sexual feel to them, some of them wouldnt work at all with our advertisments although i have picked out a few of the tracks that could perhaps work:


Track 3 Track 5 track 7 track 11


track 1

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