Our planning and research for our media is now pretty much complete and we are now ready to start filming. This blog just clarifies our final ideas.
Product: Fragrance. Amo Tu Vida.
> Male Advert:Audience: We are aiming our product towards young adult men aged, 18-25. The advert has to give a freash edgy look, so they are intrigued by the advert and want to buy the product.
Character: Kyle Gibson. We want him to give the image of class, and we have a few shots of him topless which will inspire the audience to want to be like him. We want the audience to want to have his whole image and know they will only achieve this if they wear our product. The girl will also appear in 2 quick shots, so they can associate both adverts together.
Costumes: We will have him in quite extreme costumes, such as black and white suit, topless shots and wild hair. This contrasts the basic white background he will be shot against.
Location: We are using a converted garage, which will be on a white background. Our mise en scene will include pool table, dice and money.
Music: We are using the track from freeplaymusic.com. Candyflip
Lighting: Dimmed and stobe lights to create a sexy atmosphere. The advert will have the black and white effect throughout.
> Female Advert:Audience: Similar to our male advert the audience will be ages 18-25 but female.
Character: Arraminta Maloy. Her beauty and elegance will be used to portray this image of our fragrance. We want her personality to connect with the audience so they have a feeling of warmth towards her and inspire to look and be like her. Only being ablt to do this by wearing the perfume. Like the male advert, with an appearence of the other character, Kyle will also be shot in this advert.
Costumes: Minty will be dressed in glamourous outfits, such as prom dresses, sequin shorts and high heels, to really make and impact on the audience watching.
Location: This will be filmed in a luxurious bedroom, Mise en scene containg make up, straighteners, a car and feminine objects sich as flowers and rose petals.
Music: We are using the track from freeplaymusic.com. For Real Life
Lighting: Set in a bedroom, we are hoping to beable to achieve a warm orange glow from the wallpaper and furniture.
> Tv Sponsership Advert:We will be sponsoring Americas next top model because the programme reflects what our product is, beauty, glamour and wealth.
Audience: People who watch Americas next top model, such as young female adults.
Character: Both Minty and Kyle will be shot together in this advert, a intimate atmosphere will be created.
Costumes: We have chosen to keep their costumes the same as what they wear in their main advert, so the audience can easily associate who they are.
Location: This will be set in modern, neautral decorated room.
Music: We will be using music we have made on garage band.
Lighting: Like the male advert lights will be dimmed to portray a passionate image.
> Radio Advertisment: We have now uploaded our script ideas for this.
The music we are using the track from freeplaymusic.com. Black & White