Friday, 29 January 2010
Woo Coursework Deadline Today!
We have finally completed all our practical & evaluation :) both can be seen on our individual blogs :) we handed the female, male and sponsorship adverts on one disk and the radio one another. These are the covers we used for the case:

Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Finalising Coursework
After all the feedback (negative and positive) we were given we have now finally completed our coursework! :) changes we made are in previous blog :) once again ignore the strange writing across the advert :)
Male Advert:
Female Advert:
Tv Sponsorship:
Radio Advertisment:
Male Advert:
Female Advert:
Tv Sponsorship:
Radio Advertisment:
Final Piece,
Videos Of Practical
Monday, 25 January 2010
Finalising Coursework
This was the bottle and background were orignally used:

but after feedback from peers decided the bottle didnt look that great and to have the background as money not cards would symbolise wealth to the audience.
This is the new clip of the bottle in the advert:

but after feedback from peers decided the bottle didnt look that great and to have the background as money not cards would symbolise wealth to the audience.
This is the new clip of the bottle in the advert:

Male advert,
Saturday, 23 January 2010
Finalising Coursework
Deadline is on friday, we have pretty much planned all the evalution and just need to get to work on writing it up. We made changes to the following:
Female Advert: Added "Amo Tu Vida" voice over, tried to change the text at the end but the mac wouldnt let us do it without deleting the whole shot :(
Male Advert: Changed the shots of the perfume ( different bottle ) and Added "Amo Tu Vida" voice over.
Radio: No changes made as on different mac to the rest of our coursework and didnt manage to get feedback on it :(
Tv Sponsorship: We added some shots of the character spraying the perfume to make it obvious that was the product but when we went to upload footage the tape had lines all over the shots and were unable to use it :( if we manage to get enough time we will try to film again
We will upload videos of our new media products asap :)
Female Advert: Added "Amo Tu Vida" voice over, tried to change the text at the end but the mac wouldnt let us do it without deleting the whole shot :(
Male Advert: Changed the shots of the perfume ( different bottle ) and Added "Amo Tu Vida" voice over.
Radio: No changes made as on different mac to the rest of our coursework and didnt manage to get feedback on it :(
Tv Sponsorship: We added some shots of the character spraying the perfume to make it obvious that was the product but when we went to upload footage the tape had lines all over the shots and were unable to use it :( if we manage to get enough time we will try to film again
We will upload videos of our new media products asap :)
Friday, 22 January 2010
World War 1 - Propaganda Posters

This Poster is minsleading in the fact that it is advertising war as a hobby to men, in the fact they get to play sports such as cricket and football, which in reality isn't the case. Bright colours of the mise en scene are used to create a postitive, happy atmosphere. Masculine sterotypes that men like sports means the poster would appeal to most men.
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Back On Track
I have fell a bit behind with media as i had quite a few retake exams but have got my skates on and have now planned out my evaluation, re filmed and edited and updated my personal blog :)
Sunday, 17 January 2010
Editing The Radio Advertisment
Completed in one day...
After recording this we went on edited it, luckily the recording we made did not involve any editing. The only thing that was left to do was to import the music, we did this by putting the music from the computer on to a memory stick and up loading it to the apple mac. We then cropped the music to the length of the radio.
We listened to it back and we were really please with it conformed to our brief perfectly and also reflected our initial idea of creating a cheesy typical radio advert :).
After recording this we went on edited it, luckily the recording we made did not involve any editing. The only thing that was left to do was to import the music, we did this by putting the music from the computer on to a memory stick and up loading it to the apple mac. We then cropped the music to the length of the radio.
We listened to it back and we were really please with it conformed to our brief perfectly and also reflected our initial idea of creating a cheesy typical radio advert :).
Radio advertisment,
Editing The Female Advert
For the female advert we used similiar shots to the male advert, these including , close up, mid shot, extreme close up and low angle shot. We used these because like when researching for the male perfume adverts we found the same conventional shots are used for female products. They are used frequently throughout the advert because it makes the audience focus on the product and the character.
We had slow music to this advert and editing our shots so they were slowly paced with the music. The advert is based on waking up in the morning and making youself look glamourous and adding the final touch at the end the perfume. Targeted at females we felt it was right to edit it to a slow pace and the women could take it what is happening in the advert and have to watch it all to understand what is being advertised, as th emise en scene contains many female products such as shoes and make up etc. As we edited it to a slow pace, the continutity of the advert had toflows perfectly so this took us a while to cut each shot so that it linked to the next with out it jumping. We also had to change the pace of some of the shots by useing the the speed tool to make some shots as fast as the next so that each shots leads onto the next. This creates the impresion out advert is telling a story making it differs from our male advert which is fast pace editing and random shots of only about 2 seconds throught the advert :)
We had slow music to this advert and editing our shots so they were slowly paced with the music. The advert is based on waking up in the morning and making youself look glamourous and adding the final touch at the end the perfume. Targeted at females we felt it was right to edit it to a slow pace and the women could take it what is happening in the advert and have to watch it all to understand what is being advertised, as th emise en scene contains many female products such as shoes and make up etc. As we edited it to a slow pace, the continutity of the advert had toflows perfectly so this took us a while to cut each shot so that it linked to the next with out it jumping. We also had to change the pace of some of the shots by useing the the speed tool to make some shots as fast as the next so that each shots leads onto the next. This creates the impresion out advert is telling a story making it differs from our male advert which is fast pace editing and random shots of only about 2 seconds throught the advert :)
Female advert,
Editing The Male Advert
We used many shots when filming the male advert, these including high angle shot, close up, mid shot, low angle shot. We used these because when researching perfume adverts these were used so we stuck to conventions. They are used frequently throughout the advert because it makes the audience focus on the product and the character.
When it came to editing this piece it was a long process as on our story we had alot of short snapy clips, but in some ways it was easier than the female advert because there was not as much continuity involved...
We began by refering to our story bord and dragging each clip into order acording to that so that every would be easy to put together once we had cropped all of the clips. We also added text to break the clips up a bit such as " DARE TO PLAY"
Working things out...
Reverse Shots:
When we had the idea of reversing the shots we realised that this was somthing we had not done before so we had to experiment. We worked out that to reverse shot we had to copy the shot we wanted to reverse, then right click and selcet reverse shot, simple :) we used this twice on our advert; firstly on the low angle shot of the cards being thrown towards the camera, then again on the shot where the poker chips are dropped into the frame.
We wanted to create the fast paced edit effect like on the paco rabanne advert and to achieve this we had really upbeat music which we then fitted our shots into. The shots are literally a two seconds each and the varied shots and angles on the camera we used made our advert look effective and ended up just how we planned :)
When it came to editing this piece it was a long process as on our story we had alot of short snapy clips, but in some ways it was easier than the female advert because there was not as much continuity involved...
We began by refering to our story bord and dragging each clip into order acording to that so that every would be easy to put together once we had cropped all of the clips. We also added text to break the clips up a bit such as " DARE TO PLAY"
Working things out...
Reverse Shots:
When we had the idea of reversing the shots we realised that this was somthing we had not done before so we had to experiment. We worked out that to reverse shot we had to copy the shot we wanted to reverse, then right click and selcet reverse shot, simple :) we used this twice on our advert; firstly on the low angle shot of the cards being thrown towards the camera, then again on the shot where the poker chips are dropped into the frame.
We wanted to create the fast paced edit effect like on the paco rabanne advert and to achieve this we had really upbeat music which we then fitted our shots into. The shots are literally a two seconds each and the varied shots and angles on the camera we used made our advert look effective and ended up just how we planned :)
Male advert,
After getting our grades on the female advert we realised we did not have a lot of improvements to make which we were quite please with.
One of the things we had to do was to add a voice over of the words 'Amo tu vida' on the last frame of the advert. We again used the same voice that we used for the radio advert so that it all links together and we will upload this also tomorrow to see how it works and report back :)
One of the things we had to do was to add a voice over of the words 'Amo tu vida' on the last frame of the advert. We again used the same voice that we used for the radio advert so that it all links together and we will upload this also tomorrow to see how it works and report back :)
After we got our grades back we realised we needed to make a few improvemetns so i started ont his today :)
One of our improvements was to put a voice over of the word 'Amo tu vida', i recorded this today using the same voice we had for the radio advert and i will be uploading it to our advert tomorrow and see how it sounds.
The second improve that was not mentioned in feed back was the shot of the perfume bottle over the top of the cards. We wanted to change this to a shot of the perfume on a pile a money. We feel this would display the image of a wealthy man and would have more of meaning as the cards did not represent anything.
To begin the filming we got a male perfume bottle with out the logo on it and placed on top of layerd notes which we on a black ground so that the gold perfume bottle stood out. We also added some extra lighting above the shot because the rest of the advert is in black and white so we wanted to make the perfume the brightest shots of the filming making it stand out.
We will edit this as soon as we get in the mac room a report back :)
One of our improvements was to put a voice over of the word 'Amo tu vida', i recorded this today using the same voice we had for the radio advert and i will be uploading it to our advert tomorrow and see how it sounds.
The second improve that was not mentioned in feed back was the shot of the perfume bottle over the top of the cards. We wanted to change this to a shot of the perfume on a pile a money. We feel this would display the image of a wealthy man and would have more of meaning as the cards did not represent anything.
To begin the filming we got a male perfume bottle with out the logo on it and placed on top of layerd notes which we on a black ground so that the gold perfume bottle stood out. We also added some extra lighting above the shot because the rest of the advert is in black and white so we wanted to make the perfume the brightest shots of the filming making it stand out.
We will edit this as soon as we get in the mac room a report back :)
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